Govt cuts windfall tax on crude oil to zero


The government has cut the windfall tax on petroleum crude to nil per tonne from 4,100 effective from Tuesday, according to a government notification.

The government left the windfall tax on petrol, diesel and aviation turbine fuel at zero. The government revises tax rates fortnightly based on oil price fluctuations.

On May 1 Government has cut the windfall tax on petroleum crude to 4,100 rupees ($50.14) per tonne from 6,400 rupees per tonne. The levy on crude was hiked to 6,400 rupees per tonne on April 19. On April 4, India cut the windfall tax on petroleum crude to zero from 3,500 rupees per tonne previously.

India last July imposed the windfall tax on crude oil producers and extended the levy on exports of gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel after private refiners wanted to make gains from robust refining margins in overseas markets, instead of selling at home.

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