Can issued an order in form GST DRC-05 be consider proceedings in respect of the aforesaid notice under Section 129(3) of the CGST Act stood concluded in terms of mandate of sub-

Case Title

Asp Traders vs State of U.P and 2 others.


Allahabad High Court

Honorable Judges

Justice Surya Prakash Kesarwani & Justice Jayant Banerji


Writ Tax No 955 of 2022

2022 (7) GSTPanacea 131 HC Allahabad

Judgement Date


Council for Petitioner

Rahul Agarwal

Council for Respondent

C.S.C Awasthi 

The Allahabad High Court bench of Justice Surya Prakash Kesarwani & Justice Jayant Banerji has held that order in form GST DRC-05 be consider proceedings concluded in terms of mandate of sub-section (5) of Section 129.

Facts of the Case

The petitioner is a consignor of certain goods. While the goods were being transported through vehicle no. UP 78 GN 7563 under invoice no. 15 dated 14.1.2022, valued at Rs. 51,72,930/- and e-Way bill no. 141424463403, it was intercepted by the respondent no. 3 on 17.1.2022 and the goods were detained The statement of driver of the vehicle was recorded in form GST MOV-01 followed by physical inspection of the goods and issuance of form GST MOV-04 on 20.1.2022. Certain discrepancies were found by the respondent no.

3 which gave rise to issuance of detention order dated 20.1.2022 in form GST MOV-06, which was followed by a notice dated 21.1.2022 under Section 129(3) of the CGST, 2017 read with IGST Act, fixing date for 28.1.2022.

in the meantime, although the petitioner submitted a reply, but immediately thereafter, on his own, deposited the sum demanded in the notice under Section 129(3) amounting to Rs. 7,20,440/- in form GST DRC-03. 

Thereafter, the respondent no. 3 issued an order dated 27.1.2022 in GST MOV-05 and released the goods and vehicle

Court Held

Considering the facts as recorded, held that the respondent has issued an order in form GST DRC-05. 

Thus, proceedings in respect of the aforesaid notice under Section 129(3) of the CGST Act stood concluded in terms of mandate of sub-section (5) of Section 129. 

Hence, relief sought by the petitioner that a copy of the order under Section 129(3) of the CGST/UPGST/IGST, Act be provided to him, is wholly misconceived cannot be granted since the matter is concluded as per legislative mandate.

Analysis of the Judgement

Admittedly a notice under Section 129(3) of the CGST Act was issued by the respondent no. 3 to the petitioner. Pursuant thereto the petitioner deposited the amount on his own in form GST DRC-03 and intimated it to the respondent no. 3. Therefore, the respondent no. 3 has issued an order in form GST DRC-05. Thus, proceedings in respect of the aforesaid notice under Section 129(3) of the CGST Act stood concluded in terms of mandate of sub-section (5) of Section 129. Hence, relief sought by the petitioner cannot be granted since the matter is concluded as per legislative mandate.

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Asp Traders

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Allahabad High Court