Citykart Retail Private Limited vs The Commissioner of Commercial

Case Title

Citykart Retail Private Limited vs The Commissioner of Commercial


Allahabad High Court

Honorable Judges

Justice Siddhartha Varma


2019 (7) GSTPanacea 7 HC Allahabad

WRIT – C No. – 22285 of 2019



The grievance of the petitioner is that the demarcation application being Application No. 163 of 2011, under Section 41 of the U.P. Land Act, 1901 was pending since 2011 and was not being decided by the respondent No.2. He submits that as per the provisions of U.P. Revenue Code Rules, 2016, a Demarcation Application should have been decided within a period of three months from its filing.

It is, therefore, directed that the Demarcation Application No.163 of 2011, under Section 41 of the U.P. Land Revenue Act, 1901 be decided within a period of three months from the presentation of a certified copy of this order.

Accordingly, the writ petition is disposed of.

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Citykart Retail Private Limited

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